Maxime Pico Profile Photo

Maxime Pico

Sustainable Product Manager

Innovative Software Product Manager with 10 years of experience.

My entrepreneurial and consulting path has led me to be uniquely qualified to turn business ideas into full-scale running products.

I will now apply my skillset exclusively to products that make industries more sustainable.

My work

Here are some of the products and projects I worked on over the past years:

The Memtell App

Memtell App (iOS & Android)

The Recygo Web App

Recygo (Web App)

The Rebites Burger

Rebites (Food Product)

The Karma Web App

Karma (Web App)


My curiosity and passion have driven me to add many layers to my engineering foundations.

As a Product Manager, this gives me a unique edge to build a solid strategy and also have the skills and hands-on experience to understand and guide my team to success:


  • Framer/Sketch
  • Persona
  • Interviewing
  • Lean Startup


  • Illustrator
  • Lottie
  • React Logo React JS
  • Analytics


  • Display Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Emailing Funnels
  • Content Strategy

Sustainable Web Designer

In 2022 I became a certified "Sustainable Web Designer" through Inco's Green Digital Skills program.

I learnt how to design a software product to have a minimal environmental impact.

This website and the counter at the bottom right are illustrations of these skills.

Not-for-profit engagements

In 2022 I started volunteering at and taking part in meetings of "The Shifters", a not-for-profit that works towards making our economies "post-carbon".




learn more

Yes, you guessed it right, this is your carbon footprint while visiting my website.

Everything we do, whether it's watching Netflix for 30mn (200g CO2e), sending a short email (0.3g CO2e), or performing a Google Search (0.192g CO2e), has an impact.

How did I generate so much CO2e?

  • The energy through data transfer: while the default version of this page is rated "Amazing" according to the Digital Beacon and "cleaner than 97% of web pages tested" by the webistecarbon.com, it still uses an estimated 0.108g of C02e upon first download, an additional 1.148g of CO2e if you decide to toggle the HD mode and 16.390g of CO2e if you watched both videos entirely.
  • The energy use of your computer: that's why the counter is ticking every second. Every second spent on a website emits 0.008g CO2e and 40% less for a "dark mode" interface, provided you have an OLED screen. However, a study showed that "dark mode" is more tiring to read in a lit environment. This website uses a lot of text, and you're likely reading in a lit environment. As a result I chose not to enable it by default.
  • The energy use of the data centre providing the hosting: Data transfer calculations already include the impact of hosting. I am using a local green hosting provider for this website which means that most numbers are slightly over-estimated since they are estimated for an average provider (usually not green).

The carbon footprint of our gadgets, the internet, and the systems supporting them account for 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions, similar to the airline industry. These emissions are predicted to double by 2025 (source).

While it seems complicated to imagine that browsing the internet has such a strong impact, usage through networks, data centres and devices is responsible for 56% of the GHG emissions of the ICT sector (source).

I've decided to visually represent your impact while browsing this website as an awareness exercise and a demonstration of my skills and knowledge. The number displayed by the counter is in grams of CO2 equivalents.

As managers, leaders and product owners, all of that is in our power to request, prioritise and implement.